Exceptional Service, with a Smile
Machine repairs, installation, and maintenance can be frustrating. Elab Repairs offers easy, low-cost solutions that can get your Makerspace back on track. Our technicians can provide the expertise for your peace-of-mind.
Start with a free phone consultation, or schedule an appointment today.
Same-Day Machine Repair
We understand the importance of your machines running properly. That's why we make it our mission to repair your machines as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
This service includes a FREE diagnostic of your machine. After our experts have determined the problem, the repair will cost labor plus any replacement parts.
Preventative Maintenance Consultation
Don't wait for an expensive machine to break, schedule a preventative maintenance consultation. Our experienced technicians can teach you how to properly maintain your lab machinery and avoid costly repairs.
Call today for a FREE phone consultation or schedule an on-site consultation for a more in-depth consultation. Preventative Maintenance Consultations prices are negotiable. Call for an estimate.
Part Installation
We understand the importance of your machines running properly. That's why we make it our mission to repair your machines as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
This service includes a FREE diagnostic of your machine. After our experts have determined the problem, the repair will cost labor plus any replacement parts.
Firmware Installation
We understand the importance of your machines running properly. That's why we make it our mission to repair your machines as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
This service includes a FREE diagnostic of your machine. After our experts have determined the problem, the repair will cost labor plus any replacement parts.
Risk Management
We understand the importance of your machines running properly. That's why we make it our mission to repair your machines as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
This service includes a FREE diagnostic of your machine. After our experts have determined the problem, the repair will cost labor plus any replacement parts.